Autogenous Vaccines

Are your fish falling ill year after year? Do you go through rounds and rounds of antibiotic-medicated feed treatments every production cycle?
Let’s break that pattern.


Vaccinating your fish is a critical part of your fish healthcare plan and part of any successful hatchery, fish farm, or aquarium. When enacting a vaccination strategy, it can be hard to cover all the disease-causing bugs your fish may encounter with only commercial vaccines – this is where custom vaccines can enable you to broaden protection for your fish.

A custom vaccine, also known as an autogenous vaccine, is a useful tool that veterinarians, producers and hatchery managers can use to address many strains of viral and bacterial pathogens affecting their fish when commercial vaccines just aren’t getting the job done or are simply unavailable.

Custom vaccines are killed (inactivated) viral or bacterial vaccines that contain facility-specific antigens isolated and identified through diagnostics. Like most commercial vaccines, autogenous vaccines may also include an adjuvant to improve the fish immune response. Custom vaccines may be used as part of an annual vaccination strategy to help reduce the load of pathogenic bacteria and viruses in a facility.

The USDA approves the use for custom (autogenous) vaccines to protect animals against disease-causing organisms, by or under the direction of a veterinarian, when:

  1. A fully licensed commercial vaccine is not available
  2. The organism exhibits a high degree of genetic variation and requires improved antigen specificity
  3. When commercially licensed products have failed to provide adequate protection

We cover all fish species and disease, here are a selection of species and common diseases for vaccination:

Fish Type
Aeromonas salmonicida
Aeromonas veronii
Columnaris-causing bacteria
Edwardsiella ictaluri
Edwardsiella piscicida
Lactococcus garvieae, L. petauri
Moritella viscosa
Streptococcus iniae
Vibrio anguillarum, V. ordalii
Vibrio harveyi
Yersinia ruckeri
Ornamental & Aquarium Fish
OTHER* Please contact us

AquaTactics has been producing vet-exempt vaccines for our customers for 20+ years and our entire team strives day-in and day-out to provide you with unparalleled customer service from start to finish. We are now able to offer custom vaccines to all customers and veterinarians throughout the United States through production at Bimeda Biological’s vaccine manufacturing site and aquatic wet lab in San Angelo, Texas.

We cover all fish species and diseases,
talk to us today.


AquaTactics® Fish Health
12015 115th Ave NE, Suite 120
Kirkland, WA 98034 USA
Phone: 425-629-8099

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Contact Info

AquaTactics Fish Health®
12015 115th Ave NE, Suite 120
Kirkland, WA 98034 USA

Phone: (425)-629-8099